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Friday, June 30, 2023


First-ever explosive admission from #ShaoChao (单超 ) #WIV (#WuhanInstituteofVirology) researcher, vice director of #Wuhan #P4Lab: I Was Given 4 Strains of #Coronavirus to Select the Most Infectious one in Feb 2019. They were artificial, engineered in the lab, and #bioweapons ... This is an overview and introduction of the exclusive interview I did. The links to the transcript and video of the full interview are in the comment area below. #Covid #Covid19 #pandemic #China #CCP #Wuhan #CCPVirus
Forgetful people are, in essence, dirt in the fields and on the roads. Grooves on the sole of a shoe can step on them in whichever way they please. Forgetful people are, in essence, woodblocks and planks that have cut ties with the tree that gave them life. Saws and axes are in full control of what they become in the future. If reporters do not report what they witness, and authors do not write about their memories and feelings; if the people in society who can talk and know how to talk are always recounting, reading, and proclaiming in pure lyrical political correctness, who can tell us what it means to live on this earth as flesh and blood? Imagine this: the author Fang Fang did not exist in today’s Wuhan. She did not keep records or pen down her personal memories and feelings. Neither were there tens of thousands of people who were like Fang Fang and would send out loud cries for help via their mobile phones. What would we have heard? What would we have seen? Flesh and blood, body and soul are gone. All is well, and the little fulcrum of truth that could lift the world is lost. As such, history becomes a collection of legends, of lost and imagined stories, that are baseless and unfounded. From this perspective then, how important it is that we can remember, and possess our own memories that are neither revised nor erased. It is the least amount of certainty and evidence that we can provide when we speak a little truth. Memories cannot change the world, but it gives us a genuine heart. If there comes another Great Leap Forward someday and people revert to using backyard furnaces, it can at least convince us that sand will not turn into iron, and one mu [a unit of measurement, approximately 667 sqm] of yield will not weigh 100,000 catties. We will at least know that this is the most basic common sense, and not some miracle of consciousness producing matter, or air creating food. If there’s another Cultural Revolution of some sort, we’ll at least be able to guarantee that we will not land our parents in prison or on the guillotine. Because of this, I hope that each of you, and all of us who’ve experienced the catastrophic Covid-19 will become people who remember; people who derive memories from memory. Writing poems after the Auschwitz concentration camp period was indeed barbaric, but it is even more barbaric if we simply choose to forget it in words, in conversations and in memories—it is indeed much more barbaric and horrifying. If we can’t be a whistle-blower like Li Wenliang, then let us at least be someone who hears that whistle. If we can’t speak out loudly, then let us be whisperers. If we can’t be whisperers, then let us be silent people who have memories. Having experienced the start, onslaught, and spread of Covid-19, let us be the people who silently step aside when the crowd unites to sing a victory song after the battle is won—the people who have graves in their hearts, with memories etched in them; the people who remember and can someday pass on these memories to our future generations. 
(Existe una traducción al español publicada en Babelia el 21 de Marzo de 2020)

Thursday, June 29, 2023



Earlier in the week ECB President Christine Lagarde dropped all of our IQs by a few points by stating in public no less that Climate Change was the primary cause of inflation in the world. There are very few things I’ve heard in my life this unutterably moronic and this is one of them.

The is George Lucas level dialogue here folks.

Because of this and the existential threat to Davos’ power of Climate Change we have to move quickly to provide infinite liquidity through a digital Euro which is now on Lagarde’s To-Do List by October.

She said this complete with the “Believe me” look that she wouldn’t use this digital euro to control all aspects of your spending, further building the infrastructure for a digital identity. Oh, only on this point does she disagree, apparently, with her boss Klaus “You Vil Eet Ze Bugz!” Schwab.

I discussed some of this and FOMC Chair Jerome Powell’s crusade to disempower people like Chrissy with Michelle Makori at Kitco News the other day. I promise I was on my best behavior.




I also spoke with my friend Mel K at the Mel K Show about the fundamental differences between what chrissy is proposing (a retail digital euro deposited directly into your account with the ECB) and FedNow, a back-end interbank payment layer developed by the Fed to modernize the US banking system to support the changes occurring in the US debt markets… among other things.

Lastly, as a follow up to my article on Prigozhin’s Rebellion, I note that NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg reiterated the requirements for Ukraine’s admission into NATO which preclude that happening anytime soon. The UK, through Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, has been lobbying hard to lower that standard to allow Ukraine in. The goal would be to change the requirements which would immediately trigger an Article 5 intervention based on Ukraine being a member of NATO. Too many people balked at this. And it has been the Biden Administration which ultimately put the kibosh on Wallace’s candidacy to replace Stoltenberg as NATO General Secretary and change these rules. This is as big a tell as you can get in today’s political landscape that the US military has told Biden that they will categorically NOT get officially involved in Ukraine at this moment in time. That may change by the end of the year. But for right now, this is not happening, despite the intense pressure the UK put on NATO members to slip this through. For once, the British attempts to force the US to fight their wars for them has failed completely. But, honestly, it’s been touch and go for a while now. Wallace replacing Stoltenberg would have been the worst possible outcome. While Biden personally needs Ukraine to stay hot for as long as possible to try and protect his own hide, it clearly isn’t enough to get the Pentagon to go along with committing ritualistic suicide for him and the grand dreams of Victoria Nuland and the rest of the Ukrainian diaspora that infect the State Department — Fiona Hill, Alex Vindman, etc.
Media Roundup: Week of 6/25/2023: Can Powell Hold On? Date: June 29, 2023Author: Tom Luongo 0 Comments
I'm out here, thousand miles from my home Walkin' a road other men have gone down I'm seein' your world of people and things Your paupers and peasants and princes and kings Hey, hey Woody Guthrie, I wrote you a song Bout a funny ol' world that's a-comin' along Seems sick an' it's hungry, it's tired an' it's torn It looks like it's a-dyin' an' it's hardly been born Hey, Woody Guthrie, but I know that you know All the things that I'm a-sayin' an' a-many times more I'm a-singin' you this song, but I can't sing enough 'Cause there's not many men that done the things that you've done Here's to Cisco and Sonny and Leadbelly too An' to all the good people that traveled with you Here's to the hearts and the hands of the men That come with the dust and are gone with the wind I'm a-leavin' tomorrow, but I could leave today Somewhere down the road someday The very last thing that I'd want to do Is to say I've been hittin' some hard travelin' too


Sunday, June 18, 2023




8 DE JUNIO DE 2013

El viento invernal de la mañana del 1 de Junio de 2013 entre los pinos y hayas en el camino hasta la Laguna Helada y más arriba. El exterior de la tierra. 


El viento de la mañana sopla siempre; el poema del mundo es ininterrumpido, pero pocos son los oídos que lo escuchan. Por siempre suena la melodía del arpa que aplacó a Cerbero y me llama de regreso a la vida. El Olimpo es el exterior de la tierra en cualquier lugar. HDT 

Diario 30 de Mayo de 1853 

El hombre tiene un millón de ojos y la especie sabe infinitamente más que el individuo. Consiente en ser sabio a través de tu especie. 

HDT Diario 15 de septiembre de 1850

 Un acto adecuado será más memorable que un monumento tan alto como la luna 

HDT Diario 26 de junio de 1852 

Sunday, May 13, 2012 

 DIARIO 28 Y 30 DE MAYO DE 2006 

Diario 12 de Mayo de 1857 

 ¡Qué raramente me encuentro con un hombre que pueda ser libre, aunque sea con el pensamiento!.Vivimos sujetos a la regla. Algunos hombres son dominados por la cama, todos son conducidos por el mundo. Llevo a mi vecino, un intelectual, a los bosques y le invito a adoptar una nueva y absoluta visión de las cosas, a vaciar y limpiar sus pensamientos de todas las instituciones humanas y empezar de nuevo; pero no puede, se aferra a sus tradiciones y anteojeras. Piensa que los gobiernos, universidades, periódicos, etc, son de la eternidad y para la eternidad. La salix cordata (sauce), var.Torreyana se distingue por sus ovarios desnudos y más o menos marrón-rojizos, con estigmas color carne, un raquis pequeño pero completamente distinguible y llamativos estambres, que dan a los amentos una apariencia abierta y holgada. Cuando considero cuántas especies de sauce han sido plantadas a lo largo de la vía del tren en los últimos diez años, de las cuales nadie conoce su historia, y nadie en Concord, aparte de mí, puede decir ni siquiera su nombre, de forma que es un verdadero descubrimiento identificar una en un año, e incluso así durante este periodo las semillas de todas ellas han sido dispersadas desde otro lugar a éste, me doy cuenta de cuánto es lo que sucede y de lo que el hombre ni siquiera se entera. 

HDT Diario 30 de Mayo de 1853 (Traducción Guillermo Ruiz)

meteco, ca Del gr. μέτοικος métoikos 'extranjero'. 1. adj. despect. extranjero. U. m. c. s. 2. m. y f. En la antigua Grecia, extranjero que se establecía en Atenas y que no gozaba de los derechos de ciudadanía. U. t. c. adj.