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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

SKELLIG MICHAEL: ... that they might keep their land, their home, their hearth, their flesh and soul (3-07-2021+21-05-2024)




SKELLIG MICHAEL: ... that they might keep their land, their home, their hearth, their flesh and soul: ( Skellig Michael's monastery) The year of the monastery's foundation is unknown. Like many early Christian remnants in Kerry, it is sometim...

 Lo que se pierda y lo que se salve de nuestra civilización queda fuera de nuestro poder de decisión.No ha habido grupo humano  que haya sabido cómo diseñar su futuro.



No llegaremos al fondo:

La muerte es un agujero 

en el que todos estamos enterrados

Gentiles y Judíos


Pero hay un agujero

en el fondo de la bolsa.

Es la imaginación

que no se puede sondear.

Es a través de este agujero

por donde escapamos



campo de flores, un tapiz, flores primaverales inigualables

en dulzura.

A través de este agujero

en el fondo de la caverna

de la muerte, la imaginación

escapa intacta.

(WCW, Paterson, Traducción de Margarita Ardanaz)

I had two books of his, the Collected Earlier Poems, and his newest one, Journey to love.I saw how his poems had grown out of his life (...) They relieved some of the pressure in the solitude I mentioned earlier.Reading them, I felt I had a predecessor, if not in Kentucky then in New Jersey, who confirmed and contemporized the experience of Thoreau in Concord.

(Wendell Berry, The long-legged house)

...And hoped by stretching tall that they might keep their land,
Their home, their hearth, their flesh and soul.
But they, like us, were standing in a hole.

(Ray Bradbury)


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