🤦¡Qué desastre!🤦
— Jose Luis Cava (@jluiscava) March 3, 2024
El audio publicado presenta a militares alemanes de alto rango en una discusión privada sobre "una posible operación alemana para bombardear el puente de Crimea en Rusia",
Atacar una infraestructura vital como el puente de Crimea es un "acto de guerra”. https://t.co/Vr4qLYd731
Cuidadito con esta mujer.
— Jose Luis Cava (@jluiscava) March 3, 2024
Qué peligro tiene!!!!
Ella no va ir a la guerra va a enviar a nuestros hijos.
Inaceptable 🤦🤦🤮🤮🤮 https://t.co/yofbieLzrJ
"CRUDO DESPERTAR: ALEMANIA DE NUEVO EN GUERRA" ( WOLFGANG STREECK): (...) The ultimate reason for this may be that the necessary anchor point of any such discussion—a concept of a national interest, and...
(...) a nation accustomed to fatalistic sufferance of all decisions” made on its behalf. Furthermore, wrote Weber, with remarkable parallels to today:
The great statesman did not leave behind any political tradition. He neither attracted nor even suffered independent political minds, not to speak of strong political personalities. . . . A completely powerless parliament was the purely negative result of his enormous prestige. . . . This powerlessness of parliament also meant that its intellectual level was greatly depressed. . . . The level of parliament depends on whether it does not merely discuss great issues but decisively influences them; in other words, its quality depends on whether what happens there matters, or whether parliament is nothing but the unwillingly tolerated rubber stamp of a ruling bureaucracy [emphasis in the original].
The EU of the future will for a long time be shaped by the tasks assigned to it by the United States and NATO in the Ukraine war. These include the design and implementation of a sanctions regime against Russia and, increasingly, China, together with internal rationing in response to supply-chain disruptions, whether caused by the EU itself, by the United States, or by an enemy, whomever that may be.
Germany in particular will be faced with the problem of preserving the European Monetary Union. To a much greater extent than before, it will have to provide material support to Ukraine and the Union’s eastern frontline states; it also will have to increase its defense budget to more than 2 percent of its national product at the behest of NATO and the United States; and it must somehow compensate its own population for the losses in prosperity suffered as a result of the coming retrenchment of global trade.
Whether it will have the capacity to do so, given the impending crisis of its production model, seems doubtful.
The political dynamics unfolding between the United States, China, and Germany in the context of the Ukrainian war appear of fundamental importance for the future of the global political economy as well as for the interaction between the three contemporary “varieties of capitalism”—liberal-democratic, communist-nationalist, and authoritarian-oligarchic.
This effectively subordinates the EU to NATO, turning it into NATO’s instrument of economic warfare and of mobilizing military and economic support for America’s anti-Russian clientele in eastern Europe.
Realistic ideas for an independent European state system, as a third pole in a newly multipolar world, one that could shield the continent from the unpredictability of American politics and policy, have not really come forward, even during Trump’s term in office.
Have not yesterday antihistoricists become today "marxist capitalists" and "evolutionists"?
According to them, history can not "derive" from conspiracy because it derives from necessity, whether democratic, militar, economic, climatic or evolutive necessity ("homo deus"), or from all of them together.
However the guru of open societies now approaching destruction and end (Sir Karl R. Popper) clearly said: "Later on I got a refutation of historicism; showing that for logic reasons it is impossible for us to forecast history's future development
Those forecasting history are, therefore, only "forecasting" the result they are pursuing. And those showing that reality are dangerous conspiracy theorists suffering paranoia (conspiranoids): "blind neccesity, dumb resignation" (recomended Freud in an equivalent context)
All must become "dumb and blind" or be, otherwise, "conspiranoids"
¿No se han convertido los antihistoricistas de ayer en los "capitalistas marxistas" y "evolucionistas" de hoy?
Según ellos, la historia no puede derivarse de la conspiración porque deriva de la necesidad,sea democrática, militar, económica climática o evolutiva ("homo deus"), o de todas ellas juntas.
Sin embargo, el gurú de las sociedades abiertas ahora a punto de alcanzar su fin y destrucción (Sir Karl Popper) dijo claramente: "Más tarde encontré una refutación del historicismo; mostrando que por razones lógicas nos resulta imposible predecir el desarrollo de la historia futura."
Aquellos que predicen la historia están, por ello,"prediciendo" solamente el resultado que ellos están persiguiendo. Y aquellos que les muestran esta realidad son peligrosos teóricos de la conspiración que sufren paranoia (conspiranoicos): "ciega necesidad, muda resignación" (concluyó Freud en un contexto equivalente)
Todos debemos ser "mudos y ciegos" o, en otro caso, ser calificados como "conspiranoicos"
— Guillermo Ruiz Zapatero (@ruiz_zapatero) February 24, 2022
#Engels tenía razón cuando indicaba que la “#industria de las #armas mortíferas” es siempre la más avanzada. Lo demuestra toda la #historia ... Del mismo modo las instituciones más “avanzadas” (…) son las que se dedican al #exterminio del hombre pic.twitter.com/8wDoduwPCd
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