LIcencia Creative Commons

Wednesday, May 31, 2023


Sunday, May 28, 2023





Un metro de DNA por cromosoma multiplicado por 46 cromosomas que contiene cada célula hacen 46 metros de DNA por célula; multiplicado por un billón de células que hay en el cuerpo dan un total de 46 billones de metros de DNA en el cuerpo de una persona. La luna está sólo a 200.000 millones de metros de distancia

(Lynn Margulis y Dorion Sagan, Microcosmos)






Imperturbable ante lo que ha sucedido, 

No detenida por la derrota aparente, 

Tú, grabadora de imágenes, sin miedo 

De los que desprecian, de la muerte o el abatimiento

 Has calado a la sirena de Zennor, 

 Hecho irresistible el artificio de la palabra: 

 Coral, resto naufragado, chico perdido y “campana hundida en el mar” 

 La cosa más parecida a un rey que tenemos- 

Un arte con el que no sé tratar 



Unafraid of what’s done,
undeterred by apparent defeat,
you, imagnifico, unafraid
of disparagers, death, dejection,
have out-wiled the Mermaid of Zennor,
		made wordcraft irresistible:
reef, wreck, lost lad, and “Sea-foundered bell”—
		craft with which I don’t know how to deal.


Dr. Simon Goddek @goddeketal PhD in Biotechnology. Science Journalist. Polyglot. From the Spectrum. CEO @sunfluencer . Banned from @twitter at 45k in 2021. Resurrected at X-mas 2022.

To understand how amazing this is, a relatively small protein of only 200 amino acids can fold into 10^200 (10 followed by 200 zeros) different combinations. If the protein could attempt a different folding pattern 10 billion times each second, it would take longer than the age of the universe to find the correct shape. Yet, each protein can fold into the correct shape in nanoseconds. 





MIRAR BAJO LOS PÁRPADOS DEL TIEMPO: Aunque soy lo bastante viejo como para haber descubierto que los sueños de la juventud no son realizados en este estado de existenc...




En un tiempo que rompe
en pedazos todo alrededor,
cuando los hombres, sin voz
contra hombres ahítos de cosas,
se prenden fuego, parece
demasiado difícil y raro 
pensar en la vida de un hombre
plantado completo en el mundo
en paz y en su lugar.
Pero habiendo pensando en ello
estoy más allá del tiempo
podría haber vendido mis manos
o vendido mi voz y mi mente
a los argumentos del poder
que va ciego contra
lo que ellos destruirían.
Yo dejo todo eso atrás

(Junio de 1967, traducción de Guillermo Ruiz) 
In a time that breaks
in cutting pieces all around,
when men, voiceless
against thing-ridden men,
set themselves on fire, it seems
too difficult and rare
to think of the life of a man
grown whole in the world,
at peace and in place.
But having thought of it
I am beyond the time
I might have sold my hands
or sold my voice and mind
to the arguments of power
that go blind against
what they would destroy.

Y yo le dije que la vida de un hombre trata siempre con la permanencia-que la clase más peligrosa de irresponsabilidad es pensar de tus quehaceres como transitorios.Esto,de algún modo,es lo que he tratado de preservar ante mí mismo.Lo que haces sobre la tierra, la tierra lo hace permanente.

Wendell Berry ( A place on Earth)
Let them stand still for the bullet,
and stare the shooter in the eye,
let them die while the sound of the shot is in the air,
let them die as they fall,
let the jugular blood spring hot to the knife,
let its freshet be full,
let this day begin again the change of hogs into people,
not the other way around,
for today we celebrate again our lives’ wedding with the world,
for by our hunger, by this provisioning, we renew the bond.



           Dejar que esperen quietos la bala,

            y miren al que dispara en el ojo,

            dejarles que mueran mientras el sonido del disparo permanece en el aire,

            dejarles que mueran cuando caen,

            dejar que la sangre de la yugular brote caliente al cuchillo

            dejar que su caudal se complete,

            dejar que este día comience de nuevo la transformación de los cerdos en gente,

            y no al revés,

            porque hoy celebramos de nuevo la unión de nuestras vidas con el mundo,

            porque por nuestra hambre, por esta satisfacción, nosotros renovamos el contrato 


            (traducción Guillermo Ruiz) 




Saturday, May 27, 2023


“There are at the present time two great nations in the world, which started from different points, but seem to tend towards the same end. I allude to the Russians and the Americans. Both of them have grown up unnoticed; and whilst the attention of mankind was directed elsewhere, they have suddenly placed themselves in the front rank among the nations, and the world learned their existence and their greatness at almost the same time. 

All other nations seem to have nearly reached their natural limits, and they have only to maintain their power; but these are still in the act of growth. All the others have stopped, or continue to advance with extreme difficulty; these alone are proceeding with ease and celerity along a path to which no limit can be perceived. The American struggles against the obstacles which nature opposes to him; the adversaries of the Russian are men. The former combats the wilderness and savage life; the latter, civilization with all its arms. The conquests of the American are therefore gained with the ploughshare; those of the Russian by the sword. The Anglo-American relies upon personal interest to accomplish his ends, and gives free scope to the unguided strength and common sense of the people; the Russian centres all the authority of society in a single arm. The principal instrument of the former is freedom; of the latter, servitude. Their starting-point is different, and their courses are not the same; yet each of them seems marked out by the will of Heaven to sway the destinies of half the globe.” 



 Until the fighting begins, national military strategy developed in peacetime shapes thinking about warfare and its objectives. Then the fighting creates a new logic of its own. Strategy is adjusted. Objectives change. The battle for Bakhmut illustrates this point very well. 


Surovkin’s performance is reminiscent of another Russian military officer: General Aleksei Antonov. As the first deputy chief of the Soviet general staff, Surovikin was, in Western parlance, the director of strategic planning. When Stalin demanded a new summer offensive in a May 1943 meeting, Antonov, the son and grandson of imperial Russian army officers, argued for a defensive strategy. Antonov insisted that Hitler, if allowed, would inevitably attack the Soviet defenses in the Kursk salient and waste German resources doing so.


Stalin, like Hitler, believed that wars were won with offensive action, not defensive operations.

Stalin was unmoved by Soviet losses. Antonov presented his arguments for the defensive strategy in a climate of fear, knowing that contradicting Stalin could cost him his life. To the surprise of Marshals Aleksandr Vasilevsky and Georgy Zhukov, who were present at the meeting, Stalin relented and approved Antonov’s operational concept. The rest, as historians say, is history.


If President Putin and his senior military leaders wanted outside evidence for Surovikin’s strategic success in Bakhmut, a Western admission appears to provide it: Washington and her European allies seem to think that a frozen conflict—in which fighting pauses but neither side is victorious, nor does either side agree that the war is officially over—could be the most politically palatable long-term outcome for NATO. In other words, Zelensky’s supporters no longer believe in the myth of Ukrainian victory.

The question on everyone’s mind is, what’s next? 


Why not spare the people of Ukraine further bloodletting and negotiate with Moscow for peace while Ukraine still possesses an army? Unfortunately, to be effective, diplomacy requires mutual respect, and Washington’s effusive hatred for Russia makes diplomacy impossible. That hatred is rivaled only by the arrogance of much of the ruling class, who denigrate Russian military power largely because U.S. forces have been lucky enough to avoid conflict with a major power since the Korean War. More sober-minded leaders in Washington, Paris, Berlin, and other NATO capitols should urge a different course of action.

Douglas Macgregor

Douglas Macgregor, Col. (ret.) is a senior fellow with The American Conservative, the former advisor to the Secretary of Defense in the Trump administration, a decorated combat veteran, and the author of five books.


Friday, May 26, 2023






Es una gran satisfacción hallar  que tus convicciones más antiguas son permanentes. En lo que se refiere a lo esencial, nunca he tenido que cambiar mi mente. El aspecto del mundo varía de año en año, como el paisaje tiene diferentes vestimentas, pero encuentro que la verdad es todavía verdadera, y nunca lamento ningún énfasis que pueda haber inspirado.


Carta a H.G.O. Blake, 18 de Agosto de 1857

Agárrate a lo más simple siempre. Hogar-hogar-hogar

Carta a H.G.O. Blake, 27 de Septiembre de 1855

De los Amigos incluso su muerte nos inspirará tanto  como sus vidas. Ellos dejarán consuelo a los que sufren como los ricos dejan dinero para sufragar los gastos de sus funerales, y sus memorias serán incrustadas con pensamientos sublimes y agradables, mientras los monumentos de otros hombres se cubren de musgo; porque nuestros Amigos no tienen ningún lugar en el camposanto

(A week in the Concord and Merrimack)

La alabanza debería ser dicha tan simple y naturalmente como una flor emite su fragancia.
Diario 31 de Enero de 1852

Thursday, May 25, 2023


0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Wednesday, May 24, 2023



My life more civil is and free
Than any civil polity.

Ye princes keep your realms
And circumscribed power,
Not wide as are my dreams,
Nor rich as is this hour.

What can ye give which I have not?
What can ye take which I have got?
Can ye defend the dangerless?
Can ye inherit nakedness?

To all true wants time’s ear is deaf,
Penurious states lend no relief
Out of their pelf
-But a free soul -thank God-
Can help itself.

Be sure your fate
Doth keep apart its state
—Not linked with any band—
Even the nobles of the land
In tented fields with cloth of gold—
No place doth hold
But is more chivalrous than they are.
And sigheth for a nobler war.
A finer strain its trumpet rings—
A brighter gleam its armor flings.

The life that I aspire to live
No man proposeth me-
No trade upon the street
Wears its emplazonry.



 4 de Julio de 2001+4 de julio de 2015+24 de mayo de 2023


Mi vida es más cívica y libre
que cualquier cuerpo político.

Guarda príncipe tus posesiones
y tu poder circunscrito,
no son tan amplios como mis sueños,
ni tan ricos como esta hora.

¿Qué me ofreces que yo no tenga?
¿Qué puedes tomar de lo que tengo?
¿Puedes defender lo que no tiene peligro?
¿Puedes heredar la desnudez?

El oído de los tiempos es sordo a todas la necesidades verdaderas,
los estados estériles no proporcionan ningún alivio con su botín
-pero un alma libre –gracias a Dios-
puede ayudar por sí misma.

Asegúrate de que tu destino
queda aparte de su estado
-no ligado con cualquier banda-
incluso los nobles de la tierra
en campamentos con vestido de oro
no ocuparán en él ningún lugar
porque tiene más señorío que ellos.
Y busca una guerra más noble.
una melodía más hermosa resuena en su trompeta,
un reflejo más brillante irradia su armadura.

La vida a la que aspiro
nadie me la propone-
ningún trato en el comercio público
utiliza su marca.


(Traducción Guillermo Ruiz)


Come you masters of war 

You that build the big guns 

You that build the death planes 

You that build all the bombs 

You that hide behind walls 

You that hide behind desks 

I just want you to know 

I can see through your masks 

You that never done nothin' 

But build to destroy 

You play with my world 

Like it's your little toy 

You put a gun in my hand 

And you hide from my eyes 

And you turn and run farther 

When the fast bullets fly 

Like Judas of old 

You lie and deceive 

A world war can be won 

You want me to believe 

But I see through your eyes 

And I see through your brain 

Like I see through the water 

That runs down my drain 

You fasten all the triggers 

For the others to fire 

Then you sit back and watch 

When the death count gets higher 

You hide in your mansion 

While the young people's blood

 Flows out of their bodies 

And is buried in the mud 

You've thrown the worst fear 

That can ever be hurled 

Fear to bring children 

Into the world 

For threatening my baby 

Unborn and unnamed 

You ain't worth the blood 

That runs in your veins 

How much do I know 

To talk out of turn 

You might say that I'm young 

You might say I'm unlearned 

But there's one thing I know 

Though I'm younger than you 

That even Jesus would never 

Forgive what you do 

Let me ask you one question 

Is your money that good? 

Will it buy you forgiveness

 Do you think that it could?

 I think you will find 

When your death takes its toll 

All the money you made 

Will never buy back your soul 

And I hope that you die 

And your death will come soon 

I'll follow your casket 

By the pale afternoon 

And I'll watch while you're lowered

 Down to your deathbed 

And I'll stand over your grave

 'Til I'm sure that you're dead



Sunday, May 21, 2023




So, Elon Musk sure shook things up the other day with his interview on CNBC where he dared to break the Fourth Wall of media when he took a shot at George Soros comparing him to Magneto from Marvel’s X-Men.

It’s a brutally funny exchange as Musk carefully measures his response, takes his time and then goes into full pop culture legend mode invoking Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride.



That CNBC flak wasn’t confused by this, he’s doing his job. He’s enforcing narrative control.

The choice of Magneto is an astute one, since it implies Soros’ childhood activities during World War II.

And while I appreciate Musk stepping on that third rail of media conformity, George Soros the philanthropist, I still maintain he’s closer to Sheev Palpatine than Erik Lehnsherr.

But what Musk really did was to question why media companies should always bow to the whims of their advertisers.

Musk has been subjected to advertiser boycotts since the day he walked in with the sink. Twitter’s business model needs to change. Advertising isn’t it. It’s only a part of it. Musk understands it needs to evolve because Twitter isn’t like legacy media companies.

Not one bit.

WEF Bloodletting

Musk did this after taking real flak from the internet for hiring World Economic Forum member and top-tier advertising executive Linda Vaccarino as the new CEO for Twitter.

Now, Vaccarino is a troubling hire but with Musk positioning himself as Mr. Free Speech in the common square, it may not be as bad as, “See Mother WEFfer, expect evil to follow,” as the initial Twitter outrage mob suggested.

I’ve told you for more than a year (November 2021, to be precise) that we are past Peak Davos, meaning Peak WEF. The WEF is now an easy bogeyman to tar someone with the broadest of guilt-by-association brushes.

The reality, however, is that viewed dispassionately, this year’s World Economic Forum was a mess, a bunch of globalist ghouls and their retinue of sycophants whistling past their own graveyards wondering where the next big score was coming from.

Top Ghoul Wrangler Soros himself didn’t even show up, preferring instead to suck the blood of the attendees of this year’s Munich Security Conference to ensure the trains to World War III would run on time.

Clubs like the WEF are only as strong as the talent they can keep. Is Vaccarino evidence of brain drain from the WEF? It’s not ludicrous. In fact, it’s more likely than she’s some wide-eyed ideologue.

I’m not saying it’s true, I’m saying it’s possible. So, distrust, but verify is your guide here.

The incentives line up nicely.

Musk needs to shore up Twitter’s relationships with advertisers to keep Twitter afloat.

Vaccarino brings instant credibility to the company.

If Musk is thinking in terms of a different kind of ad model, Vaccarino’s hire makes sense.

Talk to the Hand

The corporate orthodoxy imposed on media companies comes not just from retards like Reed Hastings at Netflix but also through the corruption of their boards by Davos generals like Blackrock and Vanguard.

Their real profit comes from exercising power. Sacrificing a quarter or two of profitability to put the vein tap in deep across the C-Suites of the S&P 500 and EuroStoxx 50 is hard to quantify on the balance sheet.

But Musk can say what he wants in public because that itself is a form of advertising for Twitter and/or Tesla that can’t be yanked by some ninny like Larry Fink or Alex Soros making a phone call.

He’s on their level and the company is private.

When your business model depends on advertising you’re their bitch. Musk knows this so you make the calculated move to attack Soros, becoming a hero to a vast audience spurned by Twitter when Soros, Fink and the rest of the WEF ran the place

One of the first blogs I wrote here in 2016 was called “The Authenticity Gap.” In handicapping that election correctly, that Trump would win, I made the point that despite his obvious deficits, he was far more authentic than Hillary.

Being comfortable being yourself is what drove Trump’s victory. The country was desperate for it and the swing voters were Millennials.

Well, guess what? Musk is shoring up his AQ – Authenticity Quotient – with not only his Millennial fanbois who buy Teslas, but even jaded Gen-X curmudgeons like me, even if I still spend most of my day in Distrust, But Verify mode.

Pied Piper or not, he has the platform to drive the conversation where it was never allowed to go before. We can take it from here, folks.

No, I Said, “Tucker!”

And this brings me to Tucker Carlson, who announced to great fanfare that he’s bringing his erstwhile news show to Twitter, self-produced.

His two short videos since Fox canceled his show, putting him in contract limbo, have generated ratings that even his record cable ratings couldn’t match.

Advertiser boycotts hit Fox multiple times over things Carlson said on air. They don’t want the media to speak the truth, they want it, as Carlson pointed out in his last video, to tell you only the part of the truth that supports their agenda.

Musk has been subject to this since the day he walked into Twitter with a kitchen sink in his hand.

Every globalist tit-sucker and wannabe-brownshirt, but I repeat myself, threatened Musk with extinction. The EU threatened to ban Twitter. The Biden administration began official investigations.

It was all so breathlessly repeated in the compliant media one would have thought going long smelling salts would have been good investment advice for every case of the fucking vapors these people had.

Think back to the so-called “Discord Leaks” and the ruinous press conference with Dept. of Defense Spokesman John Kirby. We had ‘reporters’ openly asking how they could help the DoD suppress information about the war in Ukraine.

As I argued in my blog about this issue, the media was openly simping for the regime, torching what remained of its credibility to announce to the world they have joined that team against us.

Neither the content of these leaks nor the media’s response was revelatory to anyone with a passing acquaintance with the current state of politics. No, the noteworthy thing was that they were so willing to take off the mask so we could all stop pretending they were journalists.

When the media openly asks how they can help … we have crossed into new territory. Why?

Because it’s never been that way before. Yes, we knew the media were court stenographers, people like myself and Kit {Knightly at Off Guardian} have known this for more than a decade. But to openly torch what’s left of their credibility to support disinformation to keep the administration’s secrets is something very very new.

This wasn’t some double-secret 12-D chess maneuver by hyper-competent game players. This was far more what it looked like on the surface, a sphincter-clenching moment of raw panic from people whose lies were outed in pure damage control mode.

So, about that power of the advertisers, again? How do they have any when their platforms and networks have zero credibility?

Who does the CNBC flak dumbstruck by Musk’s Inigo Montoya impression thinks is really in charge here?

And Then the Lights Came On…

It was like that moment in the Pixar classic, UP, where Doug becomes Alpha:

The media is so used to bullying people into submission they don’t know what to do when it doesn’t work. But, why would you do that? Lose Money? It’s unthinkable.

Take a step back and see the reversal here. Do you really think Musk is scared of these quislings when I own the single biggest, and by far, most powerful communications platform in history?

The answer would be no.

And that reason is simple. Musk’s real heresy wasn’t returning something closer to free speech to Twitter. It was proving that the company could operate on 20% of its old budget and one-quarter of its staff.

That 80% cost reduction didn’t just equate to stabilizing the company, it freed it from the tyranny of the advertiser.

Musk doesn’t need advertising on Twitter the way Twitter needed advertising before him. The company wasn’t being run as a profit center measured in dollars.

Twitter was a loss leader for tyrants. The legacy media conglomerates are their policy makers and the ad executives their thought policemen.

Carlson can now self-produce a loss-leader for free speech while his lawyers roast Fox’s chesnuts and he, Musk and Trump can:

… build another Mar-a-Lago in their heads living TV-ad free for months with “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” the only choice on the in-house cable feed.

Musk is now turning the entire cost structure of news media on its head. It was always going to happen, he just ripped the last band-aid off exposing the rot underneath.

The media companies and their advertising control model worked so well for so long because it costs billions to run a broadcast network. The on-air talent, the producers, the studio, cameras, travel, etc. are expensive folks. FOX’s makeup budget alone is more than my annual operating costs.

No wonder they just fired Laura Ingraham, too.

Have you seen the 25-54 demo ratings?

The media companies had to depend on the kindness of strangers to even stay in business.

Today most of the distribution has been decentralized, i.e. Twitter and personal ISP fees. Physical production tools are cheap. Bandwidth is cheaper. The overhead of running a small broadcast company with a private subscription model is a far lower percentage of top-line revenue than any big network.

The legacy media can neither buy your loyalty nor coerce your conformity.

Now shit-posters cum ‘investigative journalists‘ like Brian Krassenstein whose tone deaf defense of Soros is what prompted all of this have to work that much harder to protect him.

And thanks to Twitter and things like it, the world is your research department. Now, the best voices, the best talent, spend their time curating what they see. More time for enjoying life, less time wasted sucking up to Sith Lords.

That was Tucker Carlson’s real power when he was at Fox. He’s now free of all of those constraints.

If you want to see where Carlson is headed once he’s doing a free show on Twitter, just look to Megyn Kelly.

That’s where the editorial bias is now, not in the corporate boardrooms.

You are the ultimate arbiter of what you deem valid. Your eyeballs are all that matters. Your consent.

These are only some of the reasons why Musk owns the most powerful media company in the world.

Does he need to pay Tucker Carlson $20+ million to be on his network? No. Carlson pays Musk.

Does Musk need to hire Carlson a production team? No.

A research team? No.

A legal team to fact check everything? No.

The reason why Musk can’t be bought is because Musk doesn’t need the advertisers.

The advertisers need Musk.

Musk knows it. Carlson knows it. The paid influencers know it. Soros knows it.

What Twitter now does, if its algorithm is set to neutrality, is assist everyone in finding whatever audience they want to attract. The media companies can’t maintain the purity of the signal or enforce the groupthink, because they don’t own the means of production anymore.

All they can do is flood the zone with low quality bots.

And the thing that scares them more than anything else is the day when Musk rolls out the real revenue maker for Twitter. The one where they can’t bribe us with money or power because neither of those things buys dignity.

Join my Patreon if you want your father back, you sonofabitch!

Saturday, May 20, 2023



Lo más audaz de la vida es que aborrece a la muerte, y despreciables y desesperadas son las religiones que difuminan ese odio. Las almas de los muertos están en los otros, los que sobreviven, y allí van muriendo del todo lentamente. Los intentos por mantener vivo el recuerdo de los hombres, en vez de a ellos mismos, son, pese a todo, lo más grande que la humanidad ha hecho hasta ahora. 

(Elias Canetti (1905-1994), Apuntes contra la muerte (1942-1948))

 Sinfonía nº 2 de Mahler por la Orquesta Filarmónica de Viena dirigida por Pierre Boulez




Sentaos y negociad como gustéis, 

viejos zorros plateados. 

Moriremos en un maravilloso edificio 

Con alimento, vino, buenas camas y hoguera

A condición de que negociéis y renegociéis 

Vuestras vidas y las de nuestros hijos. 

Que la sabiduría de lo creado 

Convenga en bendecir vuestras mentes 

Y os guíe en el laberinto. 

Mas fuera, en el frío, nosotros os esperaremos, 

El ejército de quienes morimos en vano, 

Nosotros del Marne y de Montecassino, De Treblinka, Dresde e Hiroshima: 

Estarán con nosotros los leprosos y los tracomatosos, 

Los desaparecidos de Buenos Aires, 

Los muertos de Camboya y los moribundos de Etiopía,

 Los negociadores de Praga, 

Los exangües de Calcuta, 

Los inocentes lacerados de Bolonia. 

Pobres de vosotros si al salir no estáis de acuerdo: 

Seréis estrujados por nuestro abrazo. 

Somos invencibles porque somos los vencidos. 

Invulnerables por caídos: 

Nosotros nos reímos de vuestros misiles. 

Sentaos y negociad 

Hasta que vuestra lengua se seque: 

Si sobrevivís al daño y la vergüenza 

Os hundiremos en nuestra podredumbre. 

14 gennaio 1985 

 ( Incluido en "A una hora incierta".Traducción y prólogo Jeannette L. Clariond.La Poesía, señor hidalgo)

G7 Day 1: Leaders Lecture Russia, China On Nuclear De-escalation While Standing In City Nuked By US

Friday, May 19, 2023



Esos momentos cuando la música recupera su dignidad;

 Esas raras horas cuando vence el amor; es esto la vida?






Del lat. causa 'causa, motivo', 'asunto, cuestión'.

1. f. Lo que tiene entidad, ya sea corporal o espiritual, natural o artificial, concreta, abstracta o virtual.

2. f. Objeto inanimado, por oposición a ser viviente.

3. f. Asunto, tema o negocio.

4. f. Der. En contraposición a persona o sujeto, objeto de las relaciones jurídicas. En el régimen de esclavitud el esclavo era una cosa.

5. f. Der. Objeto material, en oposición a los derechos creados sobre él y a las prestaciones personales.

6. f. Der. bien.

brava cosa

1. f. irón. cosa necia o fuera de razón.

cosa de entidad

1. f. cosa de sustancia, de consideración, de valor.

cosa de oír, o cosa de ver

1. f. cosa digna de ser oída o vista, que es capaz de llamar la atención.

cosa del otro jueves

1. f. coloq. Hecho extraordinario. U. en frs. de sent. negat.

2. f. coloq. Aquello que hace mucho tiempo que pasó.

cosa dura

1. f. cosa rigurosa o intolerable.

cosa en sí

1. f. Fil. Realidad hipotética independiente de las posibilidades del conocimiento humano.

cosa fina

1. f. U. para expresar que algo o alguien es excelente.

cosa fuerte

1. f. coloq. fuerte cosa.

cosa juzgada

1. f. cosa que se da por resuelta e indiscutible y de que es ocioso tratar.

2. f. Der. Efecto de una resolución judicial firme, que impide abrir un nuevo proceso sobre el mismo objeto.

cosa no vista, o cosa nunca vista

1. f. coloqs. cosa muy extraña y sorprendente.

cosa perdida

1. f. p. us. Persona muy descuidada en sus obligaciones o de comportamiento incorregible.

cosa y cosa

1. f. coloq. quisicosa.

cosas de viento

1. f. pl. coloq. cosas inútiles, vanas, de poca entidad y sustancia.

fuerte cosa

1. f. coloq. cosa molesta, difícil y trabajosa.

poca cosa, o poquita cosa

1. f. coloqs. Persona o animal de poca corpulencia. Está casada con una poquita cosa de apenas cincuenta kilos. U. t. c. adj. Tan poca cosa como ella, y se enfrentó a todos.

2. f. coloqs. cosa de poca importancia. Ha tenido una hemorragia, poca cosa, no te preocupes.

a cosa hecha

1. loc. adv. Con éxito seguro.

2. loc. adv. Con intención, adrede.

a otra cosa, mariposa

1. expr. coloq. U. para señalar el final de una actividad y la disposición o posibilidad de dedicarse a otra. Acabamos este trabajo y a otra cosa, mariposa.

2. expr. basta.

ante todas cosas

1. loc. adv. ante todo.

cada cosa para su cosa

1. expr. coloq. U. para dar a entender que las cosas se deben aplicar solamente a sus destinos naturales.

como quien no quiere la cosa

1. loc. adv. coloq. Con disimulo.

como si tal cosa

1. loc. adv. coloq. Como si no hubiera pasado nada.

corran las cosas como corrieren

1. expr. coloq. U. para dar a entender que no causa inquietud ni importa lo que sucede.

cosa con cosa

1. loc. adv. Denota desarreglo, falta de orden o incoherencia. En aquella casa no hay cosa con cosa. No dejó cosa con cosa. No dirá cosa con cosa.

cosa de

1. loc. prepos. coloq. Cerca de, o poco más o menos. Cosa de media legua falta para llegar al lugar. Cosa de ocho días tardará en concluirse la obra.

cosa mala

1. loc. adv. coloq. Mucho, en cantidad.

cosa rara

1. expr. U. para manifestar la admiración o extrañeza que causa algo.

cosas de alguien

1. expr. coloq. U. para explicar o disimular las rarezas o extravagancias de esa persona, que ya no causan extrañeza por ser frecuentes en ella.

cosas del mundo

1. expr. U. para aludir a las alternativas y vicisitudes que ofrece la vida.

cosas que van y vienen

1. expr. coloq. U. para consolar a alguien en lo que padece o le sucede, aludiendo a la alternada sucesión o inestabilidad de las cosas.

dejando una cosa por otra

1. loc. adv. Mudando de conversación, variando sin propósito de sujeto o materia.

dejarlo como cosa perdida

1. loc. verb. coloq. No hacer caso de la persona o cosa a que no se puede poner enmienda o remedio.

disponer alguien sus cosas

1. loc. verb. disponerse.

ni cosa que lo valga

1. expr. U. para incluir en una negación no solamente lo expresado, sino también todo lo análogo o equivalente.

no haber tal cosa

1. loc. verb. No ser así, ser falso lo que se dice.

no hacer cosa a derechas

1. loc. verb. No hacer nada con acierto.

no ponérsele a alguien cosa por delante

1. loc. verb. Atropellar por todos los inconvenientes y miramientos que se ofrecen.

no quedarle a alguien otra cosa

1. loc. verb. coloq. Decir con franqueza cuanto sabe.

no sea cosa que

1. loc. conjunt. U. para indicar prevención o cautela.

no ser cosa del otro mundo

1. loc. verb. U. para afirmar que aquello de que se trata no es nada extraño ni sale de la esfera de lo usual y sabido.

no tener alguien cosa suya

1. loc. verb. Ser muy desprendido y liberal.

no vale cosa

1. expr. desus. Era u. para denotar que alguien o algo era inútil o no tenía valor.

otra cosa es con guitarra

1. expr. coloq. U. para reprender a quien se gloría de hacer algo que se cree prudentemente no lo haría si llegase lance u ocasión de ejecutarlo.

pasado, da en cosa juzgada

1. loc. adj. Der. pasado en autoridad de cosa juzgada.

¿qué cosa?

1. expr. coloq. ¿Qué dice? o ¿qué hay?

¿qué es cosa y cosa?

1. expr. U. cuando se proponen enigmas; como si se dijera: ¿Qué significa la cosa propuesta?

quedarle a alguien otra cosa en el cuerpo, o en el estómago

1. locs. verbs. coloqs. Decir con disimulo lo contrario de lo que se siente.

rodearse las cosas

1. loc. verb. Venir a parar a buen o mal término por caminos no esperados.

ser algo cosa de alguien

1. loc. verb. Ser de su aprecio, estimación, interés, etc.

ser cosa de

1. loc. verb. Seguida de un infinitivo, expresa la conveniencia de hacer lo que este significa. Es cosa de pensarlo. Es cosa de marcharse.

estado de cosas

sentencia pasada en autoridad de cosa juzgada

sentencia pasada en cosa juzgada


Hemos agotado el tiempo de nuestros antepasados. Hemos agotado toda nuestra libertad heredada, como el pollo el albumen en el huevo. Si queremos salvar nuestras vidas debemos luchar por ellas. El descubrimiento es del tipo de hombre que son tus conciudadanos.Prestos adoran el Dinero y en el séptimo día invocan a Dios con fanfarrias de un extremo a otro de la Unión .El otro día oí de alguien orondo y servil llamado obispo, que alabó la “ley y el orden” con la que Burns fue entregado. Me gustaría, antes de sentarme a ninguna mesa, preguntar si hay en ella alguno que se considere o sea considerado obispo. O él o yo deberíamos abandonarla.