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Sunday, July 15, 2018


El lector es realmente un escritor escribiendo su propio libro en escritura invisible. El reposo de la lectura puede afilar nuestros sentidos, si leemos con corazón y cabeza. Quizás la gente de Occidente pueda leer la naturaleza otra vez, si primero hemos aprendido a leernos mutuamente tan bien como literatura.

Leer es sentir las corrientes de la realidad debajo de la brillante superficie del agua del lenguaje. Sentir las corrientes de la realidad es leer los signos de la naturaleza como lenguaje.

Las cosas grandes son estimulantes.

Nosotros que no tenemos poder somos la base más profunda de la democracia.Al principio intentamos lo que es bueno. Después intentamos lo que es bueno. Y después volvemos a intentar lo que es bueno otra vez.Aunque todavía no seamos escuchados, todo infierno se afloja.

(FreddyFjellheim. Un ensayo. A los jóvenes. Fragmento.Traducción Guillermo Ruiz)

Es una locura acumular principalmente riqueza material, casas y tierra. Nuestra posesión en la vida, nuestro bien raíz, es la cantidad de pensamiento que hemos tenido, que hemos producido. El suelo que hemos creado así es siempre pasto para nuestros pensamientos. Vuelvo a las visiones que he tenido. ¿Qué otra cosa se añade a mis posesiones y me hace rico en todas las tierras? Si alguna vez has hecho un trabajo con las herramientas más finas, la imaginación, la fabulación y la razón, es una creación nueva, independiente del mundo, y una posesión para siempre. Has erigido algo contra un día lluvioso. En esa medida has habitado lo prístino.

(Diario 1 de mayo de 1857, traducción Guillemro Ruiz)

(Primera vez aquí el 20 de agosto de 2017) 

Soy de la tierra
Y a la tierra volveré de nuevo
La vida y la muerte son viejas amigas
Y yo soy la conversación entre ellas
Su charla tardía en la noche
Su risa y lágrimas
Qué hay que temer
Si soy el regalo que se hacen mutuamente
Este lugar nunca me perteneció
He sido siempre suyo

(Rupi Kaur, The sun and her flowers.Traducción Guillermo Ruiz)

Leído en la red al noruego Freddy Fjellheim



3) Homo reciprocans*[See Endnote 2]

Homo recoprocans suffer with those who suffer injustice. The receptive man therefore gives money to beggars, and shares with friends and neighbors in need. He swallows his pride and shares humbly, not head on as in giving a gift, but discretely and side by side – as if he himself was persecuted and a fugitive. // We are in contact with our bow of life [See ENDNOTE 3.] the moment we stand in solidarity with people who are suffering injustice. 

The receptive man is disposed to be a reader, and as a reader you learn that you can become a better person by asking good questions,be curious, ask vividly: How do you live? What can I do for you? What can we share?

The receptive man responds to criticism with a necessary  uncertainty.
The receptive man is the manifestation of the humane. You become human by giving of yourself, share knowledge and material goods, and by venerating truth. 

The receptive man endures the boredom and pain that is inflicted upon healthy people when living with sick people. He knows that everybody carries disease genes. Me today, you tomorrow. A person with a disease should not be shunned, because if you do, you ostracize your own humanity, your own future. 
As poor the receptive man express solidarity out of necessity; as rich he voluntarily turns his back on wealth. Both actions demand weakness and strength. As part of the middle-class the receptive man discovers that receptiveness is to forward goods and being in the lively circulation of reciprocity. 

The receptive man doesnʼt cling onto things or people, but is in constant change, giving out, at the mercy of the uncertainty of creation.  

The receptive man will face true resistance and will therefore experience inner growth. The receptive man listens while speaking and receives when giving. Children and young are often of the receptive kind. With adults it is more rare.  

It could be that the absence of rioting youth is a sign of maturity, but only as long as the young indignation and despair over the collapse of nature are expressed in other radical ways; be it rebellious questioning, lasting discussions in close communities and circles of friends, protest letters and articles in newspapers and social media, social involvement, attaining knowledge about the environment, attending in demonstrations and campaigns. The mass movement will come when the collective maturity sets free impatience!  

I believe we must relearn the art of slow reading in the age of the climate crisis, and offer more of ourselves in the process. Reading, too, is to receive in order to pay forward, open up for dialogue, community. This means: Look closer each time you come to the conclusion that change for the better is unrealistic. Is it your reading or your thought that is not realistic? Why should it not be possible to change the world for the better? Canʼt people correct their errors? How much is unrealistic for those reading in solitude? How to read as a multitude? As an individual in a community, as a community in the individual?
FreddyFjellheim. Un ensayo. A los jóvenes
(traducción Martin Fjeld) 

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