Ian Boyden: I’d like to talk about
your life and work through the lens of the poetic mind. In the West very few
people understand how consequential your father, Ai Qing (艾青, 1910-1996), was as a poet and
political figure. And because of this, I think many people fail to comprehend
some of the extraordinary ways you have extended his fierce individualism and
poetic sensibilities.
You rather famously said you see no boundary between
art and politics. In your essay On Poetry, you wrote: ‘My father was punished for being a poet,
and I grew up in its consequences.’ That punishment was political, it silenced
one of China’s greatest poets for over twenty years. By ‘consequences’ do you
mean those of poetry, of political conditions, of the specific conditions of
your father’s punishment?
Ai Weiwei: Poetry and politics are one. I
don’t think we can separate poetry from the human condition and the political
process, from struggle and individual fate.
Ai Weiwei: Poets are the
most unique consequence of any given time. The poet is like a mineral, a
product of all the pressure and heat in their environment. The poet is like a
piece of jade, a stone in the landscape. Such a rare thing is hard to describe.
It is impossible to replicate the conditions. It is very hard to say how it
forms on its own. The poet is clearly different from the wider surroundings,
but is also clearly a product of it. You cannot take the poet out of the
surroundings or the poet loses its context, it loses its meaning. This is why I
think the poet is like a mineral. Historically, poetry is more like a piece of
jade. It reflects its time and it reflects the highest human behavior that
takes solid form.ition and the political process, from struggle and
individual fate.
Henry David Thoreau
Ningún hombre es lo suficientemente rico para mantener un poeta en su nómina
poeta no es un billete de mercancía de feria, que requiere instituciones y
edictos para su vigencia, sino el hijo más fuerte de la tierra y el Cielo, y
por su mayor fuerza y resistencia sus desfallecientes compañeros reconocerán el
Dios que hay en él. Después de todo, son los seguidores de la Belleza quienes han
hecho el trabajo realmente pionero para poblar el mundo.
Henry David Thoreau
( "A week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers"; Friday)
si reinventamos cualquier cosa que nuestras vidas nos dan encontramos poemas
Shihab Nye
es nuestra obligación ser moldeados un centenar de veces por las mismas
historias.Pensamos que las estamos contando pero realmente ellas están
manteniéndonos vivos
Shihab Nye
Quien os hizo creer que la hacienda era
Que era vuestro el jornal que el regadío
era vuestro
Miedo verde la ley la pericia no es
La finura el arreo ni la soga ya es
Ni tampoco el domingo la ternura no es
Y los hijos también morirán sin ser
Ni esperanza tendréis ni locura ni
Vuestro páncreas también vuestra migraña
es nuestra
Sacaréis el sofá la madera a la calle
Cobertura la red el titular es nuestro
Ni vecinos ni amigos vuestra familia es
Vuestra uñas la fe ni la alegría es
La negrura el mutismo la sumisión es
Cabellos dientes pies y vuestras manos
Cualquier ideología vuestro contrato es
Sólo la enfermedad que pagaréis es
Y nunca fue más nuestra cualquier poesía
(Joaquín Pérez Azaústre, Vida y leyenda
del jinete eléctrico)
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