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Saturday, November 22, 2014


Se dice a menudo que la melodía puede ser oída desde mas lejos que el ruido-y la melodía más fina desde más lejos que la más ruda. Pienso que hay verdad en esto-y que consecuentemente aquellos acordes del piano que me alcanzan aquí en mi ático me conmueven mucho más que los sonidos que oiría si estuviera en el cuarto común-porque son una melodía mucho más pura y divina. Aquellos que se sientan lejos del ruidoso y frenético mundo no tienen dificultades en distinguir lo que es dulce y musical, porque solo esto les puede alcanzar. Esto  principalmente alcanza la posteridad.


(Diario 20 de noviembre de 1851)

(traducción Guillermo Ruiz)

“I think nothing is to be hoped from you, if this bit of mould under your feet is not sweeter to you to eat than any other in this world, or in any world.”

Pienso que nada puede esperarse de ti si este pequeño trozo de tierra bajo tu pie no es más dulce para comer que ningún otro en este mundo o en cualquier mundo

(HDT citado por Terry Tempest Williams)

La fe no es acerca de encontrar sentido en el mundo, puede que no haya tal cosa-la fe es la creencia en nuestra capacidad para crear vidas significativas

Oraciones diarias son proferidas por los labios de las olas que rompen, los susurros de las hierbas, el reverbero de las hojas.

Durante demasiado tiempo hemos sido seducidos para recorrer una senda que no conduce a nosotros mismos. Durante demasiado tiempo hemos dicho sí cuando quisimos decir no. Y durante demasiado tiempo hemos dicho no cuando desesperadamente quisimos decir sí…

Cuando no seguimos nuestra intuición, abandonamos nuestras almas. Y abandonamos nuestras almas porque tememos que si no las abandonamos otros nos abandonaran a nosotros.

"Terry Tempest Williams:  I love Thoreau, and I can’t count the times I’ve read Walden, gone back to his essays, Civil Disobedience or A Plea for Captain John Brown, and the word that comes to mind is probity. That quality of having strong moral values, honesty, decency, I love the word uprightness when I think about Henry. I do think it is about what is essential, and to be intentional, to be observant, to be fierce with what one believes, to be a student of nature and a critic of society. That’s why I keep coming back to Henry, it’s all the times that I wrote in the margins, “yes, thankyou.  So true.”

Steve Paulson: It’s interesting, all that you just mentioned, it’s integrity about oneself, it’s passion for the natural world, it’s political justice, it all seems to be bound up together for him.

Williams: And I think that’s where my debt to Thoreau is so large. I think it was being 15 years old at Highland High School in Mrs. Rich’s class where I first read Walden. Somehow I knew that it was appropriate to read that book with a green pen; I still have that copy. As I’ve gotten older though the years, I think it was Thoreau who showed me that environmental issues are economic issues are issues of social justice. And I think that the genius of Henry David Thoreau is he saw the world whole, even holy.

Paulson: How did he show you that environmental issues are also issues of social justice? Where do you see that in Thoreau?

Williams: Well, I think when he talks about how we are not the center of the center. And it’s that quote where he says that the best place for each is where he stands: “I think nothing is to be hoped from you, if this bit of mould under your feet is not sweeter to you to eat than any other in this world, or in any world.”If we know where we are we know who we are. Hejust makes me laugh, I feel like I know him. And you see remnants, whether it’s Ed Abbey, or, I loved when E.B. White talked about Thoreau as a regular hair-shirt of a man. Or Emerson’s description of him physically, with serious blue eyes. I have the feeling that if you were to spend an hour with Thoreau he would both invigorate you and exhaust you, so intense were his thoughts and the way in which he walked the world.

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