Quien iguala la urgencia del cobarde
Y aún así todavía inspira al corazón más débil,
Cuya noble fama no se arruina,
Aunque asuma la peor parte.
Y aún así todavía inspira al corazón más débil,
Cuya noble fama no se arruina,
Aunque asuma la peor parte.
El cobarde nunca canta,
No escucha ninguna campana.
No tiene corazón, no tiene lengua,
Para entonar la noble rima.
No escucha ninguna campana.
No tiene corazón, no tiene lengua,
Para entonar la noble rima.
(traducción Guillermo Ruiz)
Permítasenos registrar fielmente las impresiones diarias, y depender de ellas, ambos nosotros y el mundo seremos más sabios por ello.
George Perkins Marsh, The Camel
George Perkins Marsh, The Camel
George Perkins Marsh, Man and Nature
The Vail of Kenneth – England c 1872-74 By Robert Crannell Minor
This large pastoral landscape shows the influence of the French Barbizon School on American artists like Minor. The Barbizon artists painted in the open air, and their favored artistic retreat was the Forest of Fontainbleau outside Paris. The “vail” or valley of the River Kennett, in the countryside east of Cambridge, England was the subject of Minor’s painting. Minor spent ten years touring and studying in Europe. He then took up a New York City studio in the 1870s, and painted landscape scenes from the Adirondacks and Connecticut. Frederick and Julia Billings probably purchased this painting from the artist in 1882. In June 1886 Frederick Billings noted that he had “Sent Minor Vale of Kennett to Woodstock [from New York].”
This large pastoral landscape shows the influence of the French Barbizon School on American artists like Minor. The Barbizon artists painted in the open air, and their favored artistic retreat was the Forest of Fontainbleau outside Paris. The “vail” or valley of the River Kennett, in the countryside east of Cambridge, England was the subject of Minor’s painting. Minor spent ten years touring and studying in Europe. He then took up a New York City studio in the 1870s, and painted landscape scenes from the Adirondacks and Connecticut. Frederick and Julia Billings probably purchased this painting from the artist in 1882. In June 1886 Frederick Billings noted that he had “Sent Minor Vale of Kennett to Woodstock [from New York].”
Oil, canvas. 75x126 cm
Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park, MABI 2824
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